Monday, March 24, 2008


Hope you all had a great Easter! We had a good Sunday,
took a bagillion pictures of Delaney so to spare you all I'm only posting this one! It was a miracle we got any before she started spitting up. Sorry if that's tmi, but the girl's a pro. Ryan and I were ushers at church and I helped with the egg hunt afterwards. Tons of little kids scrambling to grab as many as possible, pretty hilarious! Our Easter dinner was untraditional, Ryan requested lasagna. To pass the afternoon we watched some basketball (Ryan's pick) and a very interesting PBS special on a piece of linen considered to be what was wrapped around Jesus when he was placed in the tomb (my pick). In all a great day, He is risen indeed!


Anonymous said...

Now I can see the pink and green in the dress!! They need pictures together in these dresses!!

Michele said...

look at me posting on your blog! i'm sooo computer savvy! hi dee! you're coming over in less than 2 months! maybe you could keep the puking to a minimum then!

Anonymous said...

wow, what a little darling!! can't wait for some hugs and kisses!!

MNGramB said...

What a beautiful girl! We sure love our sweet grandaughter and can't wait to see her!

Anonymous said...

so i actually had to google what tmi stands for. you're so computer lingo-savy, ms B, aren't you? you're angel is precious.