Monday, January 26, 2009


It's no secret I'm the worst blogger ever! Six months since my last post, that's like a million years in blog world. Here's what we've been up to....
Delaney turned 1! She's a huge, walking, talking dollbaby. Her latest new phrase is "all done," though it sounds more like "ahhhh d."
My sister, Michele, got engaged and will be married to AJ McGraw on June 19th. We're all pretty excited!
Ryan changed jobs and is now employed by Worthington Industries. He's liking his new job much more than working at Ernst & Young, the work is more interesting and eventually the travel will be less.
As for me, I'm trying to make a little time for myself each day, which will hopefully result in more frequent posts. Also trying to find a good pic to include here, so stay tuned!